Associate professor, Lecturer of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Work History
I joined the academic community in 1992 at the University of Tunis (High Institue of Documentation) as a full-time lecturer and researcher. Prior to access to this position, I experienced two short-period professional excperiences, first as a French language teacher at a High School for one year (1983), then as a Dean of a university library (1987-1989) at the School of Public Administration of Tunis.
Before moving to Bordeaux University in September 2005, I worked simultaneously as a consultant in ICTE standards development, digital learning and knowledge management for the Agency of French-speaking Universities (AUF). Since 2004, I act as AUF Head of Delegation to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC36 and in september 2009, I was elected as convener of SC36 working group one (SC36/WG1) in charge with elearning vocabulary standards. I was reelected in june 2013 for another 3 year term.
I also worked extensively in international ICT training and digital content develoment since 1997, initially as a contractual trainer within AUF-TRANSFER training workshops, and then as a founding member of research networks on ICTE in behalf of French-speaking universities in developing countries.
Combining research with teaching activities, I perform on-line lecturing, tutoring and dissertation supervising through e-learning platforms and digital environment tools. Since 2007, I work as a contractual lecturer in an on-line Master’s program on ICTE at University of Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3. This comes as a continuity to a former experience conducted between 1999 and 2004 as a founding member, content developer and on-line tutor in a Master’s program on the "Use of ICT in education and e-training" at the University of Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France.
Parallele to ICTE interest, I conducted research activities and projects in other domains like Digital Humanities, digital multilingualism and caracters encoding. I performed research work on ICT and information management maily during the period between 2002 and 2009 as Secretary General then President of the International Association of Information and Communication Schools. In 2012-2013, I monitored a research project on Digital Humanities and Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) financed by the Institute of Communication Sciences and Knowledge (CNRS/ISCC). That project concentrated on the process of modeling multilingual digital corpora in Humanities using TEI-P5 Guidelines. Since January 2014, I became co-coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the National Center for Scientific Research/Institute of Communication Science and Knowledge (ISCC/CNRS) in Aquitaine (France).
I also serve on a number of journals and conference editorial boards in the fields of ICT and ICTE. Since 2007, I am reviewing papers for the International Annual Conference EISTA (Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications) organized by the International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS) in Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Post-Doctoral Diploma: Accredtation to Supervise Scienfic Research (French system HDR) in Information and Communication Sciences (2012) – Bordeaux Montaigne University, France
- Post-Doctoral Diploma: Accredtation to Supervise Scienfic Research (Tunisian system HDR) in Information and Documentation (2004) – Tunis University, Tunisia
- Doctor of Philosophy: Information and communiction sciences (1999) – Michel de Montaigne university Bordeaux 3, France
- Master's degree of library science (1995) – Centro de Estudios bibliograficos Y Documentarios, Madrid, Spain
- Fulbright Alumni: Information technologies (1990) - School of Information Science, Syracuse University, USA
- Bachelor of Arts: Translation and modern languages (1982) – Tunis University, Tunisia
- Certificate in linguistics studies (1980) – Tunis University, Tunisia
- High school diploma (1978) – Jemmal high schoo, Tunisia
Research Interests
Concerned with updating of my research intrests, i am currently interested in:
- Interoperability standards of digital information and communication systems
- eLearning communities of practices
- Open Educational Resources
- eLearning quality standards
- Metadata, referencing and intelligent information retrieval systems
- Vocabulary standards, taxonomy, ontologies and semantic networks
- Multilingual data encoding and representation
- Digital Humanities and TEI-based corpora encoding
Research Profiles on the Web
I have interest in social media and use of digital services with added values for research. The following links point to my public research profiles on professional social networks.