Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Viate 



  • Family name: BEN HENDA
  • Given name: Mokhtar
  • Professional address

ISIC, Université Bordeaux Montaigne; Esplanade des Antilles; 33607, Pessac, FRANCE




  • 2012: Accreditation to Supervise Academic Research. Michel de Montaigne University Bordeaux 3, France;
  • 2004: Accreditation to Supervise Academic Research. La Manouba University, Tunisia;
  • 1999: Doctorate es Information and Communication Sciences (Ph.D.). Michel de Montaigne University. Bordeaux III. France;
  • 1989/1990: Non-graduate Studies (Fulbright Program). School of Information Studies (IST). Syracuse University. Syracuse N.Y. United States of America;
  • 1985: Master's Degree Es Documentation, Library Sciences and Archives (Tesina). Centro de Estudios Bibliogràficos Y Documentarios. Madrid. Spain;
  • 1982: Bachelors of Art Es Modern Languages.  Bourguiba Institute of Modern Languages. Tunis University. Tunisia;
  • 1980: University Diploma of Linguistics Studies. Bourguiba Institute of Modern Languages. Tunis University. Tunisia;
  • 1978: Baccalaureate es Humanities, High School Jemmal, Tunisia.




3.1 Current position

  • Professor at ISD (Institut Supérieur de Documentation), La Manouba University, Tunisia;
  • Since September 2005: On secondment as Associate Professor at ISIC (Institut des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication), Bordeaux Montaigne University, France;


3.2 Previous occupations


Higher education:

  • September 1991 – august 1999: Teaching Assistant of higher education in Information and Communication Sciences, ISD (Institut Supérieur de Documentation), La Manouba University, Tunisia;
  • 1999 – 2004: Assistant Professor of of higher education in Information and Communication Sciences at ISD, La Manouba University, Tunisia;
  • 2004 – 2010: Associate Professor of higher education in Information and Communication Sciences at ISD, La Manouba University, Tunisia (on secondment at Bordeaux Montaigne University since September 2005);
  • Since 2010: Professor of higher education in Information and Communication Sciences at ISD, La Manouba University, Tunisia (on secondment at Bordeaux Montaigne University since September 2005).


Complementary teaching:

In France:

  • Since 2007: Contractual content developer and training tutor in the professional Master’s degree AIGEME (Computer applications for Management, Multimedia and e-Learning) organized by Sorbonne University Paris 3;
  • 2008-2010: Contractual trainer at the Centre National d’Arts et Métiers (CNAM Aquitaine) on ICT services for professional insertion;
  • 1999-2005: Contractual content developer and training tutor within a professional Master’s degree organized by Louis Pasteur University in Strasbourg (France), in collaboration with the Agency of French Speaking Universities, the University of Mons (Belgium) and the Tecfas laboratory in Geneva (Switzerland);
  • November 2002: Invited lecturer by the Multimedia and e-Learning Department at Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg (France);
  • April 2001: Invited lecturer by the Computer Science Department at Michel de Montaigne University, Bordeaux (France);
  • November–December 1999: Invited lecturer by the Information and Communication Sciences Institute at Michel de Montaigne University, Bordeaux (France).


  • 2007-2008-2009: Invited lecturer (one month a year) at Bucharest university (Romania) within the frame of the European SOCRATES research exchange program;
  • 2004: Main trainer of SIST Workshops (Scientific and Technical Information Systems) of the French Government Cooperation Department held Algeria, Burkina Faso, Madagascar;
  • 1997-2008: Main trainer of « Transfer » workshops of the Agency of French Speaking Universities on information and communication systems, e-Learning systems and Online Information Retrieval Systems.
  • Administrative charges
  • 1986-1989: Dean of a specialized library at Public Administration School (Tunisia), coordinating 12 member team of technical staff for managing a 20.000 book collection and 400 periodical titles.


3.3 International Experience


  • March 2009-march 2012: Expert and liaison officer of Sub-committee 36 (ISO-IEC/JTC1 SC36) with the ITVMT (Information Technology Vocabulary Maintenance Team) ad-hoc group created by ISO/IEC JTC1 to manage ICT standardized vocabulary (Elected and confirmed by resolution 2 of working document SC36 N1802 [ 36N1802.pdf?func= doc.Fetch&nodeid=8047175& vernum=1]);
  • September 1998: Expert in a UNDP financed project in Yemen (Project YEM-92-041, phase 2) for the archival system automation of the National Center of Documents of the Yemen Republic;
  • August 1997: Expert in a UNDP financed project in Yemen (Project YEM-92-041, phase 1) for the archival system automation of the National Center of Documents of the Yemen Republic;
  • January 1995–August 1996: Consultant at the Center of Research, Studies, Documentation and Information on Women (CREDIF) for the technical coordination and management of the Maghreb Information Network about Women (REMIF);
  • July-September 1993: Consultant at USAID, Urbanism Department, Tunis Bureau for the design and implementation of a library data base management system.




4.1 Publications


  • Academic works (dissertations, thesis)


  • Books


  • Book chapters


  • Training manuals


  • Projects and studies 


  • Technical reports


  • Papers in scientific reviews with scientific committees


  • International conferences with proceedings


  • International conferences without proceedings


  • Press articles and interviews



4.1.1 Supervising academic research and participating to juries


  • Since 1992: supervising more than 30 individual research projects in License, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Tunisian and French universities:
  • Current supervision works:  
    • Since 2013: MLAYAH Aref. "Interactivity of new urban publicity media ". Thesis work at Bordeaux University;
    • Since 2013: AL RASHID Hassan. « The Kurdish Genocide through international media analysis ». Thesis work at Bordeaux University.
  • Since 1993: participating to a large number of academic juries in Tunisian and French universities.


4.1.2 Membership of research groups and bodies


  • Since June 2015: Member of "Humanistica" Committee, the Association of Francophonic digital humanities.
  • Since June 2009: Convener of an international expert group within Sub-Committee 36 of the International Organization of Standards (ISO-IEC/JTC1 SC36), in charge with standardization of Information Technologies for Learning, Education and Training;
  • Since February 2008: Founding member and Secretary of Cartago Alliance, a French-law international association for the management of multilingual eLearning vocabulary;
  • Since March 2004: Head of delegation of the Agency of French Speaking Universities within the Sub Committee 36 of the International Organization of Standardization (ISO-IEC/JTC1 SC36), in charge with defining norms of Information Technologies for Learning, Education and Training;
  • 2012-2013: Chief coordinator of  « HumanitéDigitMaghreb », an international research project on Digital Humanities in the Maghreb region, financed by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France;
  • 2011-2013: Member of the IHDB project, aiming at the creation of a Digital humanities institute at Bordeaux University;
  • 2009-2010: Member of the research project ConvergMPEG/SCORM financed by ISCC/CNRS (France) to study the convergence between audiovisual multimedia for education proposed by MPEG-21 and SCORM standards (;
  • 2005-2010: Founding member of the research group RES@TICE created by the Agency of the French Speaking Universities (AUF) to promote e-Learning and the use of ICT for education;
  • 2005-2010: Founding member of the RES@TICE network, created by the Agency of the French Speaking Universities (AUF) for e-Learning and the use of ICT for education;
  • 2006-2009: Founding member of the TICER network, created by the French Government Cooperation Department to promote higher education in Africa;
  • 2007-2009: President of the International Association of Information and Communication Schools (AIESI), an institutional network of French Speaking Universities of Information and Communication Sciences;
  • 2002-2007: Secretary General of the International Association of Information and Communication Schools (AIESI), an institutional network of French Speaking Universities of Information and Communication Sciences;
  • 1998-2005: Member of the research unit “Digital Libraries: Cultural Heritage” at Higher Institute of Documentation, La Manouba University, Tunisia.
  • 2001-2002: Technical coordinator of the Tunisian National Library project “MEDLIB-Tunisia”, part of Unesco Internet-based virtual library MEDLIB;
  • 1998-2001: Coordinator of the “CYBERPROF” project designed to produce French language pedagogical material to assist information retrieval on Internet, financed by the Agency of the French Speaking Universities as part of the Virtual French-Speaking Universities Pilot project;
  • November 2000–February 2001: Designing the technical conversion and the on-line implementation of the bilingual bibliographic catalogs of the Tunisian National Library;
  • 1995-1997: Coordinator of REMIF network, the Maghreb network of information about women, and editor in chief of its Newsletter “Echos-Remif” hosted by the Center for Research, Studies, Documentation and Information about Women (CREDIF), Tunisia.


4.1.3 Member of scientific committees of international journals


  • 2011: Editor in chief of the number 4 of the international electronic journal “” about “Norms and educational standards: state-of-the art, problems and prospects" (;
  • Since 2009: Member of the editorial board of the international electronic journal “” published by the RES@TICE network and the University of Limoges (France), with the support of the Agency of French-speaking Universities. ISSN 2110-5324 (;
  • 2009: Member of the editorial board of the journal "Distance et savoirs" for its volume 7, Number 4, 4th Quarter 2009, about "The organization and access to editorialized scientific information: towards new digital arrangements";
  • 2000-2007: Member of the editorial board of the Syrian magazine "Arabia 3000" published by the Arabic Club Information;
  • Since 1996: Member of the editorial board of the “Revue Maghrébine de Documentation”. Higher Institute of Documentation. La Manouba University.


4.1.4 Coordination of seminars and scientific conferences


  • November 2009: Member of the organizing committee of the international conference “EUTIC09”, held by the “European and Interdisciplinary Network” on “issues and uses of ICT”: 18-20 November 2009, Bordeaux University;
  • June 2009: Coordinator and animator of the AIESI Scientific Day "Information Science: what changes in the digital age ?" organized by the International Association of Information Sciences Schools (AIESI), Paris, June 22nd, 2009;
  • June 2008: Member of the organizing committee of the Scientific Day of TICER network on the theme "ICT viewed and implemented by research networks in Africa", Paris, June 20th, 2008;
  • November 2005: Member of the organizing committee of the Open Science Forum on e-Learning standards, held by AUF and ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 as a side event of the 2nd World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), Tunisia;
  • April 2005: Member of the organizing committee of the international conference on "Digital information and challenges of the information society", organized by the Higher Institute of Documentation, La manouba University, Tunis, 14-16 April 2005;
  • November 1998: Organizer and host of the Summer School of the International Association of Information Science Schools (AIESI) held at the Higher Institute of Documentation, La Manouba University;
  • 1995: Member of the organizing committee of the seminar "Psychology and user behaviors with new information technologies", held by the Higher Institute of Documentation and BIEF (Banque d’Information sur les Etats Francophones), 21-24 November 1995;
  • 1994: Member of the organizing committee of the seminar on official publications held  by the National Documentation Centre in collaboration with UNESCO and BIEF, 18-20 April 1994.


4.1.5 Member of scientific committees of international conferences


  • April 2008: Member of the Scientific Committee of the International French-Tunisian Symposium SFSIC/ISD/IPSI "Interact and transmit, inform and communicate: which values​​, which impact?", Tunis:  17-19 April 2008;
  • 2006: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Euro-Mediterranean and African Symposium for Distance Education – CEMAFORAD3, Sousse, Tunisia;
  • 2006: Member of the Scientific Committee of JeTIC'2006 symposium, a Study Days on information technologies and communication” held by the Central University El Bichar, Algeria: 15-16 April 2006;
  • 2005: Member of the Scientific Committee and meeting facilitator at the “Initiative 2005 International symposium” organized by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS 2) in Tunis, November 2005 [];
  • 2005: Member of the Scientific Committee and meeting facilitator at the international conference on "Digital information and challenges of the information society", organized by the Higher Institute of Documentation, La Manouba University, Tunis: 14-16 April 2005 [].




  • Implementation and maintenance of e-Learning systems and platforms (Moodle, Claroline, Ganesha, WebCT, etc.);
  • Design and implementation of digital libraries and data management services (Groupware, Data mining, Workflow);
  • Indexing and referencing digital resources by standardized metadata (DC, LOM, MLR, etc.);
  • Producing SCORM compliant structured educational contents;
  • Producing Digital Humanities corpora using Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines P5
  • Multimedia resources management;
  • Programming in HTML, XML and related multimedia technologies (CSS, Flash, JavaScript, etc.);
  • Designing, implementing and managing dynamic websites (ASP, PHP/MySQL/Apache, JavaScript etc.) and related on-line products (Blogs, Wiki, Forums, etc.).
  • Implementing and managing CMS (Content management Systems) using SPIP, Lodel , InfoGlue, Wordpress, Joomla, SMS Made Simple;
  • Management of multilingual resources on the Internet (data coding & system protocols;
  • Designing and managing bibliographic databases.




  • Management and coordination of research projects and groups;
  • Management of digital information systems;
  • Management of e-Learning systems;
  • Management of educational and training departments;




  • Arabic: mother tongue
  • French: excellent (used for daily usage, academic research educational purposes)
  • English: excellent (used for academic research and international work)
  • Spanish: excellent (used for academic research)
  • German: elementary (autodidact)