Blog Posts
Moore's law controversy!
Submitted by benhenda on Thu, 01/16/2020 - 10:05Moore's law is a reference often mentioned when it comes to analyzing a digital innovation. It refers to the perception of Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every 18 months. Moore's Law states that we can expect an exponential increase in the speed and capacity of our computers at a lower cost. -
NBIC convergence and the radical extension of life
Submitted by benhenda on Mon, 03/25/2019 - 17:15Scientists have been considering for decades the possibility of a human genetic modification that would become more and more credible thanks to developments in digital technology and biotechnology. Today, through the intersection of nanotechnology, biology, computer science, and cognitive science, a field of advanced research predicts a major societal change: NBIC technologies. -
Normative assets of smart cities and indystry 4.0
Submitted by benhenda on Sun, 11/18/2018 - 20:11Both concepts of Smart City and industry 4.0 share common features and obey to similar constraints and obligations. For instance, both remain dependent on their socioeconomic context and the extent of technological modernization process of their working systems. Such systems may cover the entire structure of a factory or a city or only a part of it. In a city, only few districts, buildings or homes may become using automation software to manage energy, water, food and other supplies consumption and provision. Industry 4.0 factories are also of such varieties of scales and remain relevant of the extension and complexity on which they are configured out. -
Corpora in scientific research
Submitted by benhenda on Thu, 10/25/2018 - 09:45A corpus is a “reasoned” set of texts governed by an internal coherence that can be constituted according to different modalities and structured according to several methods and approaches. The corpora pose a number of practical and epistemological questions that refer to their typologies, structures and modes of organization, but also to the conditioning of methodological paradigms related to their analysis and exploitation. Enriched by incessant numerical advances, the corpora are quickly the subject of dedicated standards proposed by research communities in the current of the Digital Humanities. -
Digial accessibility and standardization
Submitted by benhenda on Mon, 04/02/2018 - 14:23Digital accessibility is a concept encompassing a large set of aspects including disability. Accessibility covers in facts other aspects like multilingual and multicultural facets as well as nomadicity in terms of access constraints to remote information. Physical accessibility of disabled people to digital resources is becoming a core question when it affects communication capacities using computer interfaces and multimedia resources. For this respect, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 produced by W3C provide a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible. -
Suzuki teaching method: old but still effective!
Submitted by benhenda on Tue, 01/16/2018 - 16:41The teaching method developed by Shinichi Suzuki is based on learning music according to the same concepts as learning the "mother tongue". His pedagogy has developed into an international movement that has contributed to the evolution of the theories on the education of children. -
2017: Artificial Intelligence on the Hype !
Submitted by benhenda on Thu, 12/14/2017 - 00:56Cyborg and AI, the programmed fusion between man and machine. The imagination of science fiction has given a certain image of what we call "cyborg", as well as machines with a very advanced "intelligence", even surpassing the human being. These two domains tend to approach, inexorably, between the "mechanization" of man and the "humanization" of machines, both physically and in the "mind". -
Are Moocs innovative per se?
Submitted by benhenda on Wed, 08/02/2017 - 01:25In the history of science and techniques, the rules of innovation are very rarely defined on basis of the tools nature or ingenuity. Instead, Human is at the center of any process of technical evolution. Guided by an instinctive need for survival or a constraint of use, he invents instruments and adapts them for practical purposes. Like any other technical or pedagogical device, MOOCs are tools representing a new evolution form in the transmission modes of knowledge.
Teaching codes at school: upraising skill level for digital natives
Submitted by benhenda on Sat, 07/02/2016 - 19:35Learning computer code at school is another challenge for digital natives. The subject is a key issue in the ongoing debates about introducing digital sciences in basic schools curricula in many European countries.
Bruce E. Peoples, defending his PhD work : Center of gravity standards analysis in multiple contexts
Submitted by benhenda on Wed, 04/13/2016 - 01:13On Friday April 8th, 2016, Mr. Bruce E. Peoples has defended his PhD dissertation at Paris 8 university. His work obtained the mention “very honorable distinction with unanimous congratulations from the jury (Très honorable avec félicitations du jury). The least we can say about his dissertation is that it is an original and innovative contribution to researchers and standards experts working in the field of e-Learning and ITLET standards (Information Technologies for Learning, Education and Training).